Contact Us

Employee Information Request

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Please make sure you have your Tax and Superannuation details before completing. If you do not have a superannuation fund or do not provide the information as requested, Cmat Contracting uses Prime Super, as its Super Fund of Choice, and an account will be created for you. All Payslips are sent via email. If you do not have an email address, please contact us and we will assist you in setting one up.

I have supplied my super fund details OR
I do not have a super fund OR
If I have not provided my superannuation details within 14 days, I acknowledge that Cmat Contracting will open a superannuation account for me with Prime Super.

All employees are employed on a day to day basis.

CMAT Contracting expects all employees to:
a) Act in a professional manner and take pride in their work at all times.
b) Dress in presentable and tidy clothing (for example no ripped clothing including shearing trousers) with no offensive prints.
c) NOT consume alcohol during work hours including breaks.
d) NOT to smoke:
i. during runs,
ii. in CMAT Contracting owned vehicles,
iii. In shearing sheds,
iv. In shearing quarters, and
v.To dispose of butts respectfully.

Illegal substances and the consummation of, are BANNED from ALL CMAT Contracting job sites, quarters and vehicles. This will not be tolerated and WILL result in INSTANT DISMISSAL.

Any abuse or rough handling of any stock WILL result in INSTANT DISMISSAL.

All dogs / pets are to be up to date with vaccinations and restrained at ALL times unless under immediate supervision.

Wages will not be processed until ALL CMAT Contracting forms are completed, signed and received by CMAT Contracting.

All payslips will be sent via email. If you do not have an email address CMAT Contracting will assist you to set one up.

All pays will be processed by 5.00pm the following Monday (being the Monday after job commencement).

Any work related injuries are to be reported to the Shed Manager / Woolclasser so the appropriate measures can be taken.

It is the responsibility of the employees to have a current Q Fever vaccination.

I give permission for CMAT Contracting Pty Ltd to deduct wage advances, shearing tools and supplies, mess and accommodation from wages.

I give permission for CMAT Contracting Pty Ltd to use photos I am in at work for marketing and promotional materials online and in print.

I have fully read, understand and agree to this contract of employment.